When you need a map of your area, our professional cartographic team to make it for you with the same detail and professional quality we build into all our maps. This is a unique resource that makes professional cartography, formerly only accessible to large corporations and organizations, available to anyone!
You can get a tremendously detailed, vector format map of precisely the area you need... your neighborhood, market area, congressional district, or any other area you need.
Your map will be layered and fully editable, with font-based text and editable graphic areas and lines, so you can print at full resolution, and customize it to suit your design.
Custom Local Street Maps are created from high-quality data that is updated on a regular basis, which ensures your map will be accurate and up-to-date.
For optimal legibility, the local streets are labeled at a minimum of 4-6 point font.
Our Standard map style for Local Street Maps, and include streets and street labels, a scale bar, lakes and rivers, and major land area features like airports and large parks.
We can also add more Landmark Features to your map, including: railroads, university campuses, golf courses, parks, cemeteries, hospitals, sports centers, and shopping centers.
Download Sample Local Street Map
Note: PDF download file can be opened in Adobe Illustrator to see the layers and features we build into all our Local Street Maps.
Cost Estimates for Local Street Maps
Map Area Size of Map* Standard + Landmarks Features
2 x 3 miles (6 sq-mi) or less 8 x 12 inches $225 $275
4 x 5 miles (20 sq-mi) 16 x 20 inches $275 $325
6 x 8 miles (48 sq-mi) 24 x 32 inches $325 $375
10 x 10 miles (100 sq-mi) 40 x 40 inches $425 $525
15 x 15 miles (225 sq-mi) 60 x 60 inches $625 $725
Other sizes available 4 inches per mile call or email
View Custom Local Street Map Cost Estimates based on Kilometers.
Note about Font Size
For Local Street Maps, we size the map at 4 inches per 1 mile (you can scale the map larger or smaller using the tools in Adobe Illustrator). This scale, combined with a minimum font size of 4 pt, helps to maximize local street labeling and legibility.
If your project is 500+ square miles and/or your map image size is smaller than our scale requires, we have developed several additional solutions.
We can scale the map to fit a specific size; we can adjust the font sizes, and more.
Your Target Map Dimensions
Map Resources recommends you provide us with the approximate dimensions you plan to use the map. This enables our cartographers to produce the optimum quality map of your area, because they can adjust fonts sizes and text positioning for the best appearance.
Even though you will be able to scale the map larger or smaller with Illustrator, we have found that even simple re-sizing can often lead to a lot of extra work, mostly due to problems with the text on the map. And we'd like to help you avoid this headache.
For example, clear and legible six point type, when reduced by 50 percent, becomes illegible 3 point text. But trying to "fix" this by making the text a larger font size can introduce a host of other problems. Names begin to overlap each other, overlap map features, or become so large relative to the map itself that it may be impossible to tell which map feature the text belongs to. When city local street names become larger than the distance between streets, it is impossible to tell if they refer to the road above or below the text.
To avoid these problems, it is best for us to produce the map as close as possible to the actual production size you need.
Options for Local Street Maps
- Map Text Index and/or Key Numbering.
We can create an A-B-C / 1-2-3 index grid for the map, and associated list of the text labels (such as street names, parks, etc) with their location on the map. For example "Main St ... B4" means that Main Street can be found in map grid cell B4. The Index is provided as a separate text document (txt), so you have flexibility on how you format your Index.
Cost: varies with area, typically from $50 for under 10 square miles to $250 or more for very large areas.
We can also add key numbering, where street names that do not fit on the map due to space constraints or long names on short roads. These key numbers are then included in the index, and a separate key number index is created, to identify the streets.
- Points of Interest Locations (POI).
We can add your
Custom Locations to your map! You supply the addresses for each location as an Excel or text data file, and we geocode the location and place it on your map.
Cost: $100 for up to 100 locations in the first class / layer, $50 per additional 100 or each additional class / layer. For example if you have 150 locations in two classes, that would be $100 for the first 100 points and first class / layer + $50 (for the second 100 locations) + $50 (for the second class / layer) for a total of $200. For over 200 locations please contact us for a quote, since we can discount this pricing as the number of locations increases.
Ordering a Local Street Map
It's easy to order a Local Street Map. You specify the area you want, usually by sending a screen shot, provide your starting dimensions, and tell us if you want any extra options. We will assess your project and email you a detailed proposal. Once we receive your order, we give you an exact delivery date, usually within 5-7 business days.
Please contact Map Resources with any questions.